Tuesday 2 June 2015

More blog information!

Here is a bit more info to try and help you navigate the blog and also find a little more information about our trip on the Endurance Rally Association site. 

Click this link  www.endurorally.com  then choose Trans Am 2015 - this will show in advance where we will be each day - I know we have a few followers who would like to try and catch up with us on route so this will help you plan and see the best place to be. I apologies now if we only get a brief time to chat with you especially if it's at a lunch stop or passage control - these are normally a bit tight on time especially on a long day. The evening stop overs give a bit more time so anyone making it to one of those places we would be thrilled to see you and have a catch up.

Comments and messages can be left for us on our blog and it always great to know who's following us.

At the bottom of each day's blog you can leave a comment if you wish by following these simple steps.

  1. click on  comments/no comments link, this will then bring up a box to comment in.
  2. write your comment then click the box next to "comment as" (it may say google account!)
  3. Choose Name/URL and put in your name and click continue then the publish button
  4. The next screen requires you to tick the box "I'm not a robot"  which will open up a simple image with a security question. Once you have answered that correctly click "publish" button again and that should be it!!!!! Good luck

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