Thursday 11 June 2015

Day 5 - Quebec City to Old Forge 581km

 Another over cast but very warm day today as we left Quebec City on route towards our boarder crossing later in the day. We needed to make a quick call in at a local garage shortly after leaving the city limits due to a trapped stone in the brake caliper, we borrowed a heavy duty Jack and Peter quickly removed the wheel to find the affending stone, the wheel  promptly refitted and all nuts nicely tightened we were back on the road.

A number of U.S. Have been struggling with timings on the regularities over the past few days so the ERA had kindly set up a couple of distance checks so that crews could reset their calibration! We were one of the offending crews and after the checks could see that we had been running out by 2-3 revolutions per km, making quite a difference over a longer distance - will it make a difference? time will tell!!!

We then made our way to the Sanair Circuit - the only TS of the day so very much something the boys had been looking forward to! A fast and tight little circuit and with lots of excitement in the air the inevitable happened and a few cars fell by the way side! One of our team members in Too Porsche to Push and FTOTB, Car 12 Gavin and Diana Henderson - found themselves with a broken clutch and Car 38 Richard and Isobel Squire have an undiagnosed problem so both needed to be transported to Montreal for further investigations!
The rest day seems to have taken its toll on a few of the other cars today with casualties punctuating today's route to the border! Luckily the last set arrival time other than the end of the day was at a fuel station just befor the race track so at least crews have a bit of time in hand to fix their problems with out incurring any penalty points.

After the race track we then headed south west towards Montreal before heading directly south for the boarder crossing at Rouses Point.

The border crossing all went very smoothly and we were soon back on our way. Once over the border we made our way to a Passage Control in a fuel station to make sure we had all arrived safely in New York State - here we received a number of amendment to the route book due to a lot of police road blocks, we were told that this was due to a few escaped convicts who were now on the run. At the first diversion we saw many film crews and helicopters flew above us in search of said criminals! we then found out from the state patrol at the next road check that the convict were in fact murderes and any car with trunk space was searched in case a fugitive was concealed within! all very exciting - would Harrison Ford appear from the bushes?

We then continued our journey further North for another 152 kms driving towards the Adirondack Mountains to arrive at our stop for the night in Old Forge and our hotel for the night The Water's Edge Inn. Tonight we are to be entertained by the local Fire Department who are putting on a BBQ for us - many locals are expected to turn up so we have been asked to display our cars in front of the fire station for the evening.

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